Friday, April 14, 2006

Duck Creek Real Estate

My name is Sam Dodd and I want to help you find the Duck Creek Real Estate of your Dreams! If you are looking for a Cabin, Lot, Mountain Property, acreage or any other property in Duck Creek you are in the right place.
Duck Creek Real Estate is really growing and it will continue to grow because we are only about 2 1/2 hours from Las Vegas this makes us the ideal place for a Cabin or Mountain Get-a-Way. Currently a brand new cabin on a half acre runs you about 300,000 dollars if you want year around access and all utilities. If you are willing to Rough it a little bit the price comes down quite considerably.
So if you are looking for Duck Creek Real Estate please click the links in the SideBar or call me directly at 435-531-3063. I look forward to speaking with you!